Great news from the Asian Pacific American Librarian Association. A Boy Named Isamu is the 2022 Honor Title for Asian/Pacific American Literature at the ALA Youth Media Awards. The Youth Media awards is the Academy Awards for children’s book so it’s exciting to be talked about let alone become a winner or honor medalist. This my second Youth Media Awards medal.
When Stop! Bot! won the 2020 Geisel Award, it came out of the blue. A Boy Named Isamu received more attention when released so it was a roller coaster experience keeping emotions in check. 5 reviewers gave it a starred review and the Noguchi Museum was an early supporter. It was a good day at the Yang household when hearing news from the Youth Media Awards.
I’m fortunate to work with Editor Tracy Gates and Art Director Jim Hoover at Viking for Children’s.. We’ve been together for my Viking books and have developed a rapport any author would love. Viking is the home for children’s classics like A Snowy Day so it’s been a dream come true.
I hope other authors and illustrators get to experience what I did with A Boy Named Isamu.