Bystander PSA: Narrator: Ken Jeong Agency: IW Group Client: Advancing Justice LA
Trailer for A Boy Named Isamu: Published by Viking, an imprint of Penguin Random House

New York Times: The Robots are coming for your lawn.

New York Times: Tech can help save the ocean.

Brunswick Review: The Race Against Time. AD: Frank Tagariello

New York Times: Facebook Braces for Trump Post Election. AD: Tim Oliver

Plansponsor: Bigger but fewer. Animation by James Yang and Clarissa Liu

Wall St Journal: Trojan Horse- A hidden strategy in plain view. AD: Linda Rubes

Wall St Journal: The Mole AD: Linda Rubes

Wall St Journal: The importance of pronouns in gender equality.

It’s Your Globe Guy: PSA for environmental awareness. 3×3 Magazine Best of Show winner.
100 Years of Korean American History: Animation for the Korean American Institute