Mortgage in a bottle

Strangest news these days is buyers buying houses by the hundreds. I guess it is always good to stock up. Illustration for Community Associates about buying houses in bulk. Mark Mavillia, AD

You say tomato

Sheryl Dermawan, AD at the Wall St Journal called and mentioned my different characters and asked how I chose characters. I told her the idea dictates the character. She said she loved my circle and squared headed guys and had a story about IT and non IT people being...

Back to work

Interesting how certain subjects will come across my desk. I have had a few projects lately discussing the health of jobs in the current economy. Illustration for the Washington Post for a special section describing job growth by sector. Meredith Brown, AD.

The right thing

The latest episode of This American Life with a retraction of the Mike Daisy Foxconn story was captivating radio as Ira Glass and Rob Schmitz confront Daisy about the facts.  Ironically, it was more compelling than the original story. Illustration for Investment News...

Smaller the better

Streamlining is the theme this year at the Yang household after spending a month in Hong Kong. Living in a smaller space makes you realize life is cluttered with stuff you don’t need and there are smarter ways to do things. Illustration for the Wall St Journal...

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