by James Yang | Jan 3, 2011 | blog, editorial
Illustration for PlanSponsor Magazine cover and spread. The article is about security lawsuits that have been left for dead. Soojin Buzelli, AD. She requested an illustration with an autopsy that wouldn’t scare people.
by James Yang | Dec 25, 2010 | blog
Happy holidays to all and may next year be even happier.
by James Yang | Dec 21, 2010 | blog
Illustration for a special Superbowl edition magazine in the Dallas Morning News. This was for an article about various events that will happen at Cowboy Stadium after the Superbowl. Michael Hogue, AD.
by James Yang | Dec 16, 2010 | animation, blog
Animated greeting card for Moye White LLP. Tyson Dewey, AD and animator.
by James Yang | Dec 14, 2010 | blog
Friends have been asking about children’s books as gifts for the holidays. To buy ‘Puzzlehead’ or ‘Joey and Jet in Space’, please visit