WSJ: The Glory of CHiPs

Sometimes the quick last second assignments can be the most satisfying. AD Keith Webb for the Wall St Journal asked if I could do an illustration for a humorous column about Eric Estrada upset that the movie version of CHiPs could damage the integrity of the original...

Wall St Journal: Speedy Small Cap Stocks

Orlie Kraus from the Wall St Journal and I are long time collaborators and it was nice to start the year with an assignment for her about small cap stocks finally outperforming large cap stocks for a first time in many years. The image was for print and also had to be...

Liberty Magazine: The Wandering Day

Bryan Gray at Liberty Magazine called requesting an illustration for a fascinating article about the movement to modernize the calendar in the post WW1 era. There was great interest to modernize the calendar and some proposals removed the concept of weekends which...

Golf Digest: Rules

Golf Digest is one of my favorite clients since it’s an opportunity to mix pleasure with work and  Art Director Chloe Galkin recently called for the Rules section. Golf is famous for its myriad of rules and it’s fun to learn the proper play for many...

Happy Holidays

I hope everyone had as good a holidays as the Yangs. I’m still delirious from breaking the low carb diet but it was worth every bite.

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