I am a spoiled children’s book author and illustrator. After the exciting reaction to A Boy Named Isamu, Viking asked if there was another Mid Century artist I wanted to make into a book. I asked, “Anyone?”. “Yes”, they said and I sheepishly asked if we could do a book about the heroes of Mid Century Design, Charles and Ray Eames. They said, “Of course you can!” and now Charles and Ray: Designers at Play will be available May ’24.
Much to our surprise, there are not many books about Charles and Ray Eames. This is a story about how they were a perfect team and if at first you don’t succeed, try and try again. Charles and Ray Eames are an exciting follow up to Isamu Noguchi because their fun and playful energy is a nice contrast to the quieter tone of A Boy Named Isamu.
In a pleasant surprise, the Junior Library Guild named Charles and Ray, Designers at Play a Gold Standard Selection which means it’s a book to look for this year!
It will be exciting to see it in the wild and I hope you will be excited too. To preorder please visit here.